Webhooks – 20 basic consepts

September 23, 2023 | by Meir Achildiev

Webhooks – 20 basic consepts

Webhooks are a powerful way to enable real-time integration between different services. They offer a mechanism to notify a URL when an event occurs, instead of relying on a traditional request-response cycle. Below, I’ve outlined 20 key concepts related to webhooks with explanations and C# examples for each:

1. Event Source

Explanation: The service where the event originates.

public class EventSource
    public delegate void EventTriggeredHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
    public event EventTriggeredHandler EventTriggered;

    public void TriggerEvent()
        EventTriggered?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

2. Event Subscriber

Explanation: The service that receives event notifications.

public class EventSubscriber
    public void OnEventTriggered(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Handle event

3. Endpoint URL

Explanation: The URL to which the event notifications will be sent.

4. Payload

Explanation: The data sent to the subscriber when an event occurs.

public class Payload
    public string EventName { get; set; }
    public DateTime EventTime { get; set; }
    public object Data { get; set; }


Explanation: Most webhooks use HTTP POST to send data.

using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
    var payload = new Payload();
    await client.PostAsJsonAsync("", payload);

6. Event Filtering

Explanation: You can specify the types of events to which you want to subscribe.
Example: Subscribe only to “OrderCreated” and “OrderUpdated” events.

7. Secret Token

Explanation: A secret token is often used for verifying the source.
Example: Validate HMAC token in the HTTP header.

8. Retries

Explanation: Webhooks usually have mechanisms to retry sending data if the first attempt fails.
Example: Retry up to 3 times with exponential backoff.

9. Rate Limiting

Explanation: Some services limit the rate at which they accept requests.
Example: Limit to 5 requests per second.

10. Data Transformation

Explanation: The ability to transform the data before sending.
Example: Convert object to specific JSON format.

11. Logging

Explanation: Logging requests and responses for debugging.
Example: Using NLog or Serilog to log webhook activities.

12. Batch Processing

Explanation: Sending multiple events in a single webhook call.
Example: Sending a list of Payload objects.

13. Asynchronous Processing

Explanation: Handling webhook data asynchronously to improve performance.
Example: Using Task to handle webhook data.

14. Error Handling

Explanation: Implement robust error-handling mechanisms.
Example: Try-catch blocks and error response codes.

15. Monitoring

Explanation: Regularly checking the health of your webhooks.
Example: Using monitoring tools like Grafana or Prometheus.

16. Authentication

Explanation: Ensuring only authorized services can send/receive events.
Example: Using JWT tokens or API keys.

17. Versioning

Explanation: Maintaining different versions of a webhook API.
Example: /v1/webhook, /v2/webhook

18. Timeouts

Explanation: Setting timeout periods for webhook calls.
Example: HttpClient.Timeout property.

19. Validation

Explanation: Validating the data before processing.
Example: Check for required fields in the payload.

20. Idempotence

Explanation: Making sure that processing the webhook multiple times does not have different effects.
Example: Using a unique event ID to avoid processing an event multiple times.

Pros and Cons of Webhooks


  1. Real-Time: Immediate event notification.
  2. Decoupling: Loosely coupled architecture.
  3. Efficiency: Only notified when a relevant event occurs.
  4. Flexibility: Subscribers can be added or removed without affecting the source.


  1. Complexity: Needs robust error-handling and retry mechanisms.
  2. Security: Risk of exposing endpoint URLs.
  3. Scaling: Need to handle high throughput and ensure idempotence.

I hope this gives you a deep understanding of webhooks and their architecture. Let me know if you’d like to explore any of these points further!


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